unlocking value in the us market a health economics overview

Unlocking Value in the US Market: A Health Economics Overview

Reading time: 4 minutes

What's in this article

    We are excited to announce a new upcoming HealthTech Activator (HTA) Health Economics webinar – Unlocking Value in the US Market: A Health Economics Overview on 8 April 2025

    This guided expert discussion will introduce the key concepts of health economics and its critical role in shaping healthcare decisions and innovation. Designed to spark curiosity and lay the groundwork for further exploration, it provides an engaging platform for commercialising and scaling up HealthTech businesses, to understand how health economics captures and translates value in decision-making within healthcare systems. Participants will gain a clearer understanding of the economic landscape, equipping them with the insights needed to navigate healthcare systems and drive sustainable growth. We are looking forward to sharing expert insights, real-world examples and practical applications of health economics. 

    The discussion will be facilitated by Abbas Al-Murrani - Managing Director & Founder, Health Economics Consulting NZ. With expert guests from the US:  

    • Professor Ballreich - Dr. Jeromie Ballreich is an associate research professor in the department of health policy management at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg school of public health.  His research focuses on economic evaluation of novel health interventions and pharmaceutical policy.  
    • Sam Richardson - Sam Richardson has a PhD in health policy from Harvard University and currently teaches economics courses at Harvard Kennedy School.  
    • Lesley G. Shane - Lesley is a highly accomplished and experienced strategic leader and healthcare researcher with expertise in evidence generation, including patient Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR), Real-World Evidence (RWE), and Health Technology Assessment (HTA). She has held U.S. and global leadership roles at Pfizer, Novavax, Orphazyme, and GSK, as well as in advisory consulting. 

    *Please note: The views and opinions expressed by the experts are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of their employer. 

    The discussion will be centred around the following topics:  

    • What is Health Economics? An introduction to its purpose and key principles. 
    • Stakeholder Perspectives: Exploring what value means to companies, patients, clinicians, payers, hospitals, and governments. 
    • Global Value Drivers: Insights into how health systems prioritise value in healthcare innovation, investment and reimbursement and how that might impact the commercial development of a company scaling

    Who should attend? 

    HealthTech businesses that are focused on commercialising/ scaling up. This webinar will help with understanding the landscape, how health economics captures and translates value in decision-making within healthcare systems. 

    Event details: 

    • 8 April 2025, 11am – 12pm including 20 minutes Q&A 
    • Cost: Free
    • Attendance will be limited to enable attendees to engage in the Q&A session  
    • Hosted on Zoom, questions can be submitted via the Zoom chat  
    • The webinar will be recorded and available on the HTA website webinars page post-event, but the recording will not include the Q&A  

    Attendance is limited to two attendees per NZ-based HealthTech company. Please confirm your place no later than 6 April 2025.  

    About the presenters:

    Abbas Al-Murrani

    Abbas Al-Murrani

    Managing Director & Founder, Health Economics Consulting NZ

    Abbas Al-Murrani is a Health Economist with diverse experience in health and health economics, having worked for the University of Auckland as well as Waitematā, Auckland and Canterbury District Health Boards. Health Economics Consulting NZ helps organisations & health systems navigate openness and transparency in investment decisions by capturing, translating and understanding economic value.  

    Jeromie Ballreich
    Professor Ballreich 

    Dr. Jeromie Ballreich is an associate research professor in the department of health policy management at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg school of public health.  His research focuses on economic evaluation of novel health interventions and pharmaceutical policy. 

    Sam Richardson

    Sam Richardson has a PhD in health policy from Harvard University and currently teaches economics courses at Harvard Kennedy School. 

    Lesley G Shane 

    Lesley G. Shane - Lesley is a highly accomplished and experienced strategic leader and healthcare researcher with expertise in evidence generation, including patient Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR), Real-World Evidence (RWE), and Health Technology Assessment (HTA). She has held U.S. and global leadership roles at Pfizer, Novavax, Orphazyme, and GSK, as well as in advisory consulting. 

    Contact the HealthTech Activator (HTA) team for more information or explore the HTA website here.  

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