Organisation Grant type Start date End date Funding
STELLAR SOFTWARE LIMITED Project Grant 9/12/2012 31/8/2013 $11,250.00
Contract ID STSW1202
Status Terminated
Project Title Stellar Library - Annotations
Description Project Grants provide co-funding of up to 40% for eligible businesses to invest in distinct research and development projects. Prior to 2016, co-funding could be provided up to 50%.
Business Location Bay Of Plenty
PARROT ANALYTICS LIMITED Project Grant 24/10/2012 24/6/2013 $109,401.74
Contract ID IPSF1201
Status Terminated
Project Title wireframe
Description Project Grants provide co-funding of up to 40% for eligible businesses to invest in distinct research and development projects. Prior to 2016, co-funding could be provided up to 50%.
Business Location Auckland
XS JET LIMITED Technology Transfer Voucher 1/10/2012 30/9/2013 $41,437.50
Contract ID XSJL1201
Status Terminated
Project Title Project XS jet
Description Technology Transfer Vouchers provided 50% co-funding towards businesses research and development projects to enable a business to access research services and expertise from accredited publicly funded research organisations. Vouchers are applicable to bus
Business Location Region Data Not Available
ENERGY LIGHT LIMITED Student - Experience Grant 1/11/2012 31/3/2013 $6,400.00
Contract ID ENGL1202
Status Terminated
Project Title LED Module Concept Design
Description Experience Grants is an internship designed for undergraduate work experience during the summer student break. The student is expected to work on a research and development project or activity.
Business Location Canterbury
ALLIED TELESIS LABS LIMITED Student - Experience Grant 1/11/2012 31/3/2013 $6,400.00
Contract ID ATLL1205
Status Terminated
Project Title Graphical user interface to ATMF
Description Experience Grants is an internship designed for undergraduate work experience during the summer student break. The student is expected to work on a research and development project or activity.
Business Location Canterbury
TAIT LIMITED Student - Experience Grant 1/11/2012 31/3/2013 $6,400.00
Contract ID TATX1218
Status Terminated
Project Title Automated Shock and Drop Impact Test Facility for Hand Portable Radio
Description Experience Grants is an internship designed for undergraduate work experience during the summer student break. The student is expected to work on a research and development project or activity.
Business Location Canterbury
PERI-OPERATIVE SERVICES NEW ZEALAND LIMITED Project Grant 16/4/2013 26/9/2013 $30,690.00
Contract ID PEOS1201
Status Terminated
Project Title Workstation proof of concept
Description Project Grants provide co-funding of up to 40% for eligible businesses to invest in distinct research and development projects. Prior to 2016, co-funding could be provided up to 50%.
Business Location Region Data Not Available
ENASOLAR LIMITED Student - Experience Grant 1/11/2012 31/3/2013 $6,400.00
Contract ID ENAS1202
Status Terminated
Project Title Inverter Module Simulation
Description Experience Grants is an internship designed for undergraduate work experience during the summer student break. The student is expected to work on a research and development project or activity.
Business Location Canterbury
PROGRESSIVE HYDRAULICS LIMITED Student - Experience Grant 1/11/2012 31/3/2013 $6,400.00
Contract ID PROG1201
Status Terminated
Project Title Dairy Shed Effluent (DSE) de watering and solids separation
Description Experience Grants is an internship designed for undergraduate work experience during the summer student break. The student is expected to work on a research and development project or activity.
Business Location Region Data Not Available
CRITCHLOW LIMITED Student - Experience Grant 1/11/2012 31/3/2013 $6,400.00
Contract ID CLOW1201
Status Terminated
Project Title Rapid Situational Awareness Platform for post large scale emergency response
Description Experience Grants is an internship designed for undergraduate work experience during the summer student break. The student is expected to work on a research and development project or activity.
Business Location Wellington
GDM LIMITED Student - Experience Grant 1/11/2012 31/3/2013 $6,400.00
Contract ID GDMG1201
Status Terminated
Project Title Process Improvement
Description Experience Grants is an internship designed for undergraduate work experience during the summer student break. The student is expected to work on a research and development project or activity.
Business Location Region Data Not Available
METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE OF NEW ZEALAND LIMITED Student - Experience Grant 1/11/2012 31/3/2013 $6,400.00
Contract ID MSVC1203
Status Terminated
Project Title Impact of weather on grocery shopping
Description Experience Grants is an internship designed for undergraduate work experience during the summer student break. The student is expected to work on a research and development project or activity.
Business Location Waikato
Project title Start date End date Funding
Stellar Library - Annotations 9/2/2012 31/5/2013 $11,250.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
wireframe 24/4/2012 24/4/2013 $109,401.74
Project title Start date End date Funding
Project XS jet 1/1/2012 30/5/2013 $41,437.50
Project title Start date End date Funding
LED Module Concept Design 1/1/2012 31/5/2013 $6,400.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
Graphical user interface to ATMF 1/1/2012 31/5/2013 $6,400.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
Automated Shock and Drop Impact Test Facility for Hand Portable Radio 1/1/2012 31/5/2013 $6,400.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
Workstation proof of concept 16/3/2013 26/4/2013 $30,690.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
Inverter Module Simulation 1/1/2012 31/5/2013 $6,400.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
Dairy Shed Effluent (DSE) de watering and solids separation 1/1/2012 31/5/2013 $6,400.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
Rapid Situational Awareness Platform for post large scale emergency response 1/1/2012 31/5/2013 $6,400.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
Process Improvement 1/1/2012 31/5/2013 $6,400.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
Impact of weather on grocery shopping 1/1/2012 31/5/2013 $6,400.00