Organisation Grant type Start date End date Funding
PINGAR INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Student - Experience Grant 3/10/2016 31/3/2017 $7,200.00
Contract ID PTERN1601
Status Matured
Project Title Build models for text classification
Description Experience Grants is an internship designed for undergraduate work experience during the summer student break. The student is expected to work on a research and development project or activity.
Business Location Auckland
PINGAR INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Student - Experience Grant 5/8/2019 31/3/2020 $8,460.00
Contract ID PTERN1901
Status Matured
Project Title Build models for text classification
Description Experience Grants is an internship designed for undergraduate work experience during the summer student break. The student is expected to work on a research and development project or activity.
Business Location Auckland
PINGAR INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Growth Grant 1/1/2019 31/3/2021 Refer to Grants Description
Contract ID PTERN1801
Status Matured
Project Title Pingar Growth Grant Application - 2018
Description Growth Grants are a non-discretionary grant that provides co-funding for businesses to invest in a multi-year programme of research and development. The grant is for 20% of a qualifying business's eligible R&D expenditure, capped at $5m per annum.
Business Location Auckland
PINGAR INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Student - Experience Grant 1/10/2015 31/3/2016 $6,400.00
Contract ID PTERN1501
Status Matured
Project Title Build models for text classification
Description Experience Grants is an internship designed for undergraduate work experience during the summer student break. The student is expected to work on a research and development project or activity.
Business Location Auckland
PINGAR INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Student - Career Grant 4/8/2014 30/9/2015 $30,000.00
Contract ID PTERN1402
Status Matured
Project Title Hidden relations discovery from network graphs
Description Career Grants provide the first six months’ salary to assist recent Masters and PhD graduates get their first job. The student is expected to work on a research and development project or activity.
Business Location Auckland
PINGAR INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Student - Experience Grant 1/11/2013 31/3/2014 $6,400.00
Contract ID PTERN1302
Status Matured
Project Title Applying text analysis for effective browsing of email content
Description Experience Grants is an internship designed for undergraduate work experience during the summer student break. The student is expected to work on a research and development project or activity.
Business Location Auckland
PINGAR INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Student - Career Grant 1/9/2013 30/9/2014 $30,000.00
Contract ID PTERN1301
Status Matured
Project Title Automatic identification of entity relations in documents
Description Career Grants provide the first six months’ salary to assist recent Masters and PhD graduates get their first job. The student is expected to work on a research and development project or activity.
Business Location Auckland
PINGAR INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Student - Experience Grant 4/8/2014 31/3/2015 $6,400.00
Contract ID PTERN1401
Status Matured
Project Title Identify facts and events in documents for supporting business decisions.
Description Experience Grants is an internship designed for undergraduate work experience during the summer student break. The student is expected to work on a research and development project or activity.
Business Location Auckland
PACIFIC 7 LIMITED Project Grant 10/5/2018 31/10/2020 $107,152.21
Contract ID PTFML1701
Status Matured
Project Title Hybrid Power Boat
Description Project Grants provide co-funding of up to 40% for eligible businesses to invest in distinct research and development projects. Prior to 2016, co-funding could be provided up to 50%.
Business Location Bay Of Plenty
POWER TECHNOLOGY COMPONENTS LIMITED Project Grant 18/12/2012 20/12/2013 $99,000.00
Contract ID PTL1201
Status Matured
Project Title Pacific Solar
Description Project Grants provide co-funding of up to 40% for eligible businesses to invest in distinct research and development projects. Prior to 2016, co-funding could be provided up to 50%.
Business Location Auckland
PC TLC Limited Project Grant 23/9/2013 20/1/2014 $3,180.00
Contract ID PTLCP1301
Status Matured
Project Title RUDDA patent evaluation
Description Project Grants provide co-funding of up to 40% for eligible businesses to invest in distinct research and development projects. Prior to 2016, co-funding could be provided up to 50%.
Business Location Region Data Not Available
POLE TO POLE EXPORTS LIMITED Project Grant 20/6/2017 19/10/2017 $1,400.00
Contract ID PTPEX1601
Status Matured
Project Title Feijoa's to Asia: Sea Freight instead of Air
Description Project Grants provide co-funding of up to 40% for eligible businesses to invest in distinct research and development projects. Prior to 2016, co-funding could be provided up to 50%.
Business Location Bay Of Plenty
Project title Start date End date Funding
Build models for text classification 3/1/2016 31/5/2017 $7,200.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
Build models for text classification 5/1/2019 31/5/2020 $8,460.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
Pingar Growth Grant Application - 2018 1/1/2019 31/5/2021 Refer to Grants Description
Project title Start date End date Funding
Build models for text classification 1/1/2015 31/5/2016 $6,400.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
Hidden relations discovery from network graphs 4/1/2014 30/5/2015 $30,000.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
Applying text analysis for effective browsing of email content 1/1/2013 31/5/2014 $6,400.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
Automatic identification of entity relations in documents 1/1/2013 30/5/2014 $30,000.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
Identify facts and events in documents for supporting business decisions. 4/1/2014 31/5/2015 $6,400.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
Hybrid Power Boat 10/2/2018 31/5/2020 $107,152.21
Project title Start date End date Funding
Pacific Solar 18/3/2012 20/3/2013 $99,000.00
PC TLC Limited
Project title Start date End date Funding
RUDDA patent evaluation 23/4/2013 20/3/2014 $3,180.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
Feijoa's to Asia: Sea Freight instead of Air 20/3/2017 19/3/2017 $1,400.00