Organisation Grant type Start date End date Funding
REYNOLDS GROUP LIMITED Experience 27/8/2021 31/3/2022 $8,840.00
Contract ID RGROT2101
Status Matured
Project Title Project Skyhook R&D Experience Grant
Description 2021/22 R&D Experience Grants
Business Location Auckland
REZARE HOLDINGS LIMITED Student - Experience Grant 1/10/2015 31/3/2016 $6,400.00
Contract ID RSYST1501
Status Matured
Project Title Automated diagnosis tool
Description Experience Grants is an internship designed for undergraduate work experience during the summer student break. The student is expected to work on a research and development project or activity.
Business Location Waikato
REZARE HOLDINGS LIMITED Project Grant 18/8/2014 28/2/2015 $14,857.20
Contract ID RSYST1401
Status Matured
Project Title Automated assessment of live cattle
Description Project Grants provide co-funding of up to 40% for eligible businesses to invest in distinct research and development projects. Prior to 2016, co-funding could be provided up to 50%.
Business Location Waikato
REZARE HOLDINGS LIMITED Project Grant 21/4/2016 20/12/2016 $35,132.40
Contract ID RSYST1503
Status Matured
Project Title Decision support for perishable products
Description Project Grants provide co-funding of up to 40% for eligible businesses to invest in distinct research and development projects. Prior to 2016, co-funding could be provided up to 50%.
Business Location Waikato
REZARE HOLDINGS LIMITED Project Grant 13/8/2015 30/6/2016 $21,518.70
Contract ID RSYST1502
Status Matured
Project Title Automated assessment of live cattle 2
Description Project Grants provide co-funding of up to 40% for eligible businesses to invest in distinct research and development projects. Prior to 2016, co-funding could be provided up to 50%.
Business Location Waikato
REZARE HOLDINGS LIMITED Student - Experience Grant 4/8/2014 31/3/2015 $6,400.00
Contract ID RSYST1402
Status Matured
Project Title Mobile integration for farming tools
Description Experience Grants is an internship designed for undergraduate work experience during the summer student break. The student is expected to work on a research and development project or activity.
Business Location Waikato
REZARE HOLDINGS LIMITED Student - Experience Grant 3/10/2016 31/3/2017 $7,200.00
Contract ID RSYST1601
Status Matured
Project Title Correlations in agricultural analytics
Description Experience Grants is an internship designed for undergraduate work experience during the summer student break. The student is expected to work on a research and development project or activity.
Business Location Waikato
REZARE HOLDINGS LIMITED Student - Experience Grant 1/8/2018 31/3/2019 $7,200.00
Contract ID RSYST1801
Status Matured
Project Title Visualising land-based decisions
Description Experience Grants is an internship designed for undergraduate work experience during the summer student break. The student is expected to work on a research and development project or activity.
Business Location Waikato
REZARE HOLDINGS LIMITED Student - Experience Grant 8/8/2019 31/3/2020 $8,460.00
Contract ID RSYST1901
Status Matured
Project Title Real-time livestock tallies
Description Experience Grants is an internship designed for undergraduate work experience during the summer student break. The student is expected to work on a research and development project or activity.
Business Location Waikato
RUNN FAST LIMITED Project Grant 25/10/2018 30/6/2020 $198,923.20
Contract ID RFAST1801
Status Matured
Project Title Forecasting Platform
Description Project Grants provide co-funding of up to 40% for eligible businesses to invest in distinct research and development projects. Prior to 2016, co-funding could be provided up to 50%.
Business Location Wellington
RUNN FAST LIMITED Student - Experience Grant 4/9/2019 31/3/2020 $8,460.00
Contract ID RFAST1901
Status Matured
Project Title Runn Student Grant 2019/20
Description Experience Grants is an internship designed for undergraduate work experience during the summer student break. The student is expected to work on a research and development project or activity.
Business Location Wellington
RUNN FAST LIMITED Project Grant 29/4/2020 28/1/2022 $353,229.18
Contract ID RFAST1902
Status Matured
Project Title The Network
Description Project Grants provide co-funding of up to 40% for eligible businesses to invest in distinct research and development projects. Prior to 2016, co-funding could be provided up to 50%.
Business Location Wellington
Project title Start date End date Funding
Project Skyhook R&D Experience Grant 27/4/2021 31/5/2022 $8,840.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
Automated diagnosis tool 1/1/2015 31/5/2016 $6,400.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
Automated assessment of live cattle 18/3/2014 28/4/2015 $14,857.20
Project title Start date End date Funding
Decision support for perishable products 21/3/2016 20/3/2016 $35,132.40
Project title Start date End date Funding
Automated assessment of live cattle 2 13/2/2015 30/5/2016 $21,518.70
Project title Start date End date Funding
Mobile integration for farming tools 4/1/2014 31/5/2015 $6,400.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
Correlations in agricultural analytics 3/1/2016 31/5/2017 $7,200.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
Visualising land-based decisions 1/1/2018 31/5/2019 $7,200.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
Real-time livestock tallies 8/2/2019 31/5/2020 $8,460.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
Forecasting Platform 25/4/2018 30/5/2020 $198,923.20
Project title Start date End date Funding
Runn Student Grant 2019/20 4/1/2019 31/5/2020 $8,460.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
The Network 29/5/2020 28/4/2022 $353,229.18