Organisation Grant type Start date End date Funding
SYNTHASE BIOTECH LIMITED Student - Fellowship Grant 1/8/2018 31/1/2020 $30,500.00
Contract ID SBIOT1801
Status Matured
Project Title Novel Variants of Aloxsyn with High IP Potential.
Description Fellowship Grants support Masters and PhD students to undertake research work within a research and development intensive business. The student is expected to work on a research and development project related to their field of study.
Business Location Waikato
SYNTHASE BIOTECH LIMITED Student - Fellowship Grant 1/8/2018 31/1/2020 $30,500.00
Contract ID SBIOT1802
Status Matured
Project Title Optimisation of Aloxsyn formulation for bovine embryo production
Description Fellowship Grants support Masters and PhD students to undertake research work within a research and development intensive business. The student is expected to work on a research and development project related to their field of study.
Business Location Waikato
SYNTHASE BIOTECH LIMITED Growth Grant 1/1/2019 31/3/2021 Refer to Grants Description
Contract ID SBIOT1803
Status Matured
Project Title Development of Aloxsyn for high value applications
Description Growth Grants are a non-discretionary grant that provides co-funding for businesses to invest in a multi-year programme of research and development. The grant is for 20% of a qualifying business's eligible R&D expenditure, capped at $5m per annum.
Business Location Waikato
SYNTHASE BIOTECH LIMITED Project Grant 1/2/2016 31/1/2019 $827,138.56
Contract ID SBIOT1501
Status Matured
Project Title State of the ART: Synthase Biotech's advanced bio preservation technology for application to assisted reproduction.
Description Project Grants provide co-funding of up to 40% for eligible businesses to invest in distinct research and development projects. Prior to 2016, co-funding could be provided up to 50%.
Business Location Waikato
SYNTHASE BIOTECH LIMITED Experience 15/9/2022 31/3/2023 $9,460.00
Contract ID SBIOT2201
Status Matured
Project Title Cell Culture Models for Investigating Enzyme Efficacy
Description 2022/23 R&D Experience Grants
Business Location Waikato
SYNTHASE BIOTECH LIMITED Student - Career Grant 6/9/2021 06/5/2022 $30,000.00
Contract ID SBIOT2101
Status Matured
Project Title Optimising the production of enzymes using alternative expression systems and conditions
Description Career Grants provide the first six months’ salary to assist recent Masters and PhD graduates get their first job. The student is expected to work on a research and development project or activity.
Business Location Waikato
SYNTHASE BIOTECH LIMITED Experience 12/10/2020 31/3/2021 $8,460.00
Contract ID SBIOT2002
Status Matured
Project Title Assessing functional hydrophobicity of AOSs
Description 2020/21 R&D Experience Grants
Business Location Waikato
HAWK NZ LIMITED Project Grant 7/8/2014 06/8/2015 $39,300.00
Contract ID SBOXS1401
Status Matured
Project Title Project SportsBox
Description Project Grants provide co-funding of up to 40% for eligible businesses to invest in distinct research and development projects. Prior to 2016, co-funding could be provided up to 50%.
Business Location Auckland
HAWK NZ LIMITED Project Grant 10/10/2013 10/11/2013 $4,000.00
Contract ID SBOXS1301
Status Matured
Project Title VeloSystems
Description Project Grants provide co-funding of up to 40% for eligible businesses to invest in distinct research and development projects. Prior to 2016, co-funding could be provided up to 50%.
Business Location Auckland
Safety Buddy Limited Project Grant 6/11/2015 13/2/2016 $2,600.00
Contract ID SBUDD1501
Status Matured
Project Title SafeTy Buddy
Description Project Grants provide co-funding of up to 40% for eligible businesses to invest in distinct research and development projects. Prior to 2016, co-funding could be provided up to 50%.
Business Location Auckland
SUMMIT BUILDING WASH TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED Experience 25/8/2021 31/3/2022 $8,840.00
Contract ID SBWTE2101
Status Matured
Project Title Summit Machine
Description 2021/22 R&D Experience Grants
Business Location Wellington
SUMMIT BUILDING WASH TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED Experience 5/9/2022 31/3/2023 $9,460.00
Contract ID SBWTE2201
Status Matured
Project Title Summit Battery Electric Commercial Waterblaster
Description 2022/23 R&D Experience Grants
Business Location Wellington
Project title Start date End date Funding
Novel Variants of Aloxsyn with High IP Potential. 1/1/2018 31/5/2020 $30,500.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
Optimisation of Aloxsyn formulation for bovine embryo production 1/1/2018 31/5/2020 $30,500.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
Development of Aloxsyn for high value applications 1/1/2019 31/5/2021 Refer to Grants Description
Project title Start date End date Funding
State of the ART: Synthase Biotech's advanced bio preservation technology for application to assisted reproduction. 1/1/2016 31/5/2019 $827,138.56
Project title Start date End date Funding
Cell Culture Models for Investigating Enzyme Efficacy 15/3/2022 31/5/2023 $9,460.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
Optimising the production of enzymes using alternative expression systems and conditions 6/1/2021 6/1/2022 $30,000.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
Assessing functional hydrophobicity of AOSs 12/2/2020 31/5/2021 $8,460.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
Project SportsBox 7/1/2014 6/1/2015 $39,300.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
VeloSystems 10/2/2013 10/2/2013 $4,000.00
Safety Buddy Limited
Project title Start date End date Funding
SafeTy Buddy 6/1/2015 13/2/2016 $2,600.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
Summit Machine 25/4/2021 31/5/2022 $8,840.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
Summit Battery Electric Commercial Waterblaster 5/1/2022 31/5/2023 $9,460.00