Organisation Grant type Start date End date Funding
SEAHORSE EQUIPMENT LIMITED Project Grant 8/11/2018 28/2/2021 $100,419.84
Contract ID SHRS1801
Status Matured
Project Title Seahorse Tracker
Description Project Grants provide co-funding of up to 40% for eligible businesses to invest in distinct research and development projects. Prior to 2016, co-funding could be provided up to 50%.
Business Location Bay Of Plenty
SEALED AIR (NEW ZEALAND) Student - Experience Grant 1/10/2015 31/3/2016 $6,400.00
Contract ID SANZE1501
Status Matured
Project Title Waste Water Treatment
Description Experience Grants is an internship designed for undergraduate work experience during the summer student break. The student is expected to work on a research and development project or activity.
Business Location Waikato
SEALED AIR (NEW ZEALAND) Student - Experience Grant 4/10/2018 31/3/2019 $7,200.00
Contract ID SANZE1801
Status Matured
Project Title Investigating alternative technologies for cleaning plastic co-extrusion dies
Description Experience Grants is an internship designed for undergraduate work experience during the summer student break. The student is expected to work on a research and development project or activity.
Business Location Waikato
SEALED AIR (NEW ZEALAND) Student - Experience Grant 14/8/2017 30/3/2018 $7,200.00
Contract ID SANZE1701
Status Matured
Project Title Factory Environmental Control
Description Experience Grants is an internship designed for undergraduate work experience during the summer student break. The student is expected to work on a research and development project or activity.
Business Location Waikato
SEALED AIR (NEW ZEALAND) Student - Experience Grant 3/10/2016 31/3/2017 $7,200.00
Contract ID SANZE1601
Status Matured
Project Title Next Generation Materials Handling
Description Experience Grants is an internship designed for undergraduate work experience during the summer student break. The student is expected to work on a research and development project or activity.
Business Location Waikato
SEALEGS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Project Grant 13/12/2013 13/12/2014 $354,981.60
Contract ID SLEG1301
Status Matured
Project Title SLG-100 Phase Two
Description Project Grants provide co-funding of up to 40% for eligible businesses to invest in distinct research and development projects. Prior to 2016, co-funding could be provided up to 50%.
Business Location Auckland
SEALEGS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Project Grant 18/12/2012 18/9/2013 $247,328.80
Contract ID SLEG1201
Status Matured
Project Title Hundred Phase One
Description Project Grants provide co-funding of up to 40% for eligible businesses to invest in distinct research and development projects. Prior to 2016, co-funding could be provided up to 50%.
Business Location Auckland
SEALEGS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Project Grant 29/7/2020 28/4/2022 $450,992.05
Contract ID SLEG2001
Status Matured
Project Title AIMS Development – Amphibious Intelligent Management System Development
Description Project Grants provide co-funding of up to 40% for eligible businesses to invest in distinct research and development projects. Prior to 2016, co-funding could be provided up to 50%.
Business Location Auckland
SEALORD GROUP LIMITED Project Grant 9/2/2018 08/4/2021 $433,098.30
Contract ID SGROP1701
Status Matured
Project Title Fish Eye
Description Project Grants provide co-funding of up to 40% for eligible businesses to invest in distinct research and development projects. Prior to 2016, co-funding could be provided up to 50%.
Business Location Nelson
SAFER CITY GROUP LIMITED Student - Experience Grant 12/9/2019 31/3/2020 $8,460.00
Contract ID SECUR1901
Status Matured
Project Title Summer 2019/20 Intern
Description Experience Grants is an internship designed for undergraduate work experience during the summer student break. The student is expected to work on a research and development project or activity.
Business Location Auckland
SAFER CITY GROUP LIMITED Project Grant 1/2/2020 01/10/2022 $296,796.18
Contract ID SECUR1902
Status Matured
Project Title R&D for development of SaferCity App (vGRID) Software Convergence Product
Description Project Grants provide co-funding of up to 40% for eligible businesses to invest in distinct research and development projects. Prior to 2016, co-funding could be provided up to 50%.
Business Location Auckland
SYM 3 LIMITED Growth Grant 1/7/2018 31/12/2021 Refer to Grants Description
Contract ID SEDTS1801
Status Matured
Project Title Ironman
Description Growth Grants are a non-discretionary grant that provides co-funding for businesses to invest in a multi-year programme of research and development. The grant is for 20% of a qualifying business's eligible R&D expenditure, capped at $5m per annum.
Business Location Auckland
Project title Start date End date Funding
Seahorse Tracker 8/2/2018 28/4/2021 $100,419.84
Project title Start date End date Funding
Waste Water Treatment 1/1/2015 31/5/2016 $6,400.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
Investigating alternative technologies for cleaning plastic co-extrusion dies 4/1/2018 31/5/2019 $7,200.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
Factory Environmental Control 14/2/2017 30/5/2018 $7,200.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
Next Generation Materials Handling 3/1/2016 31/5/2017 $7,200.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
SLG-100 Phase Two 13/2/2013 13/2/2014 $354,981.60
Project title Start date End date Funding
Hundred Phase One 18/3/2012 18/3/2013 $247,328.80
Project title Start date End date Funding
AIMS Development – Amphibious Intelligent Management System Development 29/5/2020 28/4/2022 $450,992.05
Project title Start date End date Funding
Fish Eye 9/2/2018 8/2/2021 $433,098.30
Project title Start date End date Funding
Summer 2019/20 Intern 12/2/2019 31/5/2020 $8,460.00
Project title Start date End date Funding
R&D for development of SaferCity App (vGRID) Software Convergence Product 1/1/2020 1/1/2022 $296,796.18
Project title Start date End date Funding
Ironman 1/1/2018 31/5/2021 Refer to Grants Description