Deborah Wall

Deborah Wall

Customer Navigator


Connecting public policy with business innovation

I'm an innovation specialist and navigator based in Wellington where I help scientists and engineers to commercialise and be successful in business. I’ve worked with Callaghan Innovation as a financial risk analyst and grants assessor before starting this role.

Joining public policy with business innovation is a particular skill. I recently wrote the STEM chapter of the Regional Economic Development Plan and I have great respect for Dr Ayesha Verrall. She understands the issues, she listens and she interprets them into policy that makes sense as much as she can influence.

Connecting universities with commercial entities is a critical part of the education-to-innovation process. I have been instrumental in getting deep tech companies supported when the founders come out of University. And I’ve extensively supported a tech company to raise capital and create an amazing product which helps NZ and US companies. They have hired as they grew and now employ 20 former students from Wellington and Auckland.

Getting our rangatahi to have amazing opportunities to enter into STEM careers is a passion of mine. I audited the effectiveness of the Engineering NZ Wonder Project for schools that develops challenges and encourages students towards the benefits of high value STEM jobs in later life. 

Areas of expertise
  • Active listener
  • Grants Assessor
  • Connector
  • Analytic
  • Financial Risk Analyst
  • Confident Public Speaker
  • Business owner
  • Bachelor of Business, Massey University
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