Eli Niktab

Eli Niktab

AI Scientist

Applied Technologies

Using AI for Health

I serve as a Bioinformatics Specialist and Data Scientist within our DataVision team, where my multifaceted expertise in medical and computer science act as a pivotal conduit, bridging these traditionally disparate disciplines.

I excel at utilising Artificial Intelligence (AI) to analyse complex, multi-dimensional datasets from in silico, in vitro, and in vivo experiments with core competencies spanning investigation of semi-stochastic systems, genome-scale algorithm design, data engineering, MLOps, and processing omics data sets on GPU accelerated high performance computers (HPC).

Before joining Callaghan Innovation I led the technical development of New Zealand Ministry of Education in-house Natural Language Processing (NLP) software suite for the Maori language. I also designed the data science project life-cycle and standardised project structure within the Analytic and Insight team for qualitative research using New Zealand Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI). 

I maintain an interest in precision medicine in line with my Ph.D. dissertation on generative modelling of cell developmental states with Ordinary Differential Equations and the functional annotation of heritable neurodegenerative diseases patients’ pan-genomes using graph transformers. 

Areas of expertise
  • Applied AI
  • Precision medicine
  • Bioinformatics
  • Functional genomics
  • System biology
  • B.Sc. Biotechnology, VUW, 2017
  • Ph.D. Machine learning and Functional Neurogenomics, VUW, 2023
Memberships and awards
  • AI Researchers Association 
  • Genomic England, Quantitative Methods, Machine Learning, and Functional Genomics group
  • Maurice Wilkins Centre of Research Excellence,Human Genetics Society of Australasia
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