Kirstin Mead

Kirstin Mead

Customer Navigator Lead


Deep perspectives and insights into the impact of R&D

I am the Customer Navigator Lead at Callaghan Innovation responsible for operational delivery and training for our team of 33 Navigators distributed across Aotearoa. Since 2014, I have been actively involved in New Zealand’s vibrant Innovation ecosystem. Prior to joining Callaghan Innovation I was a Senior Consultant in risk consultancy and internal audits at Deloitte where I audited R&D grant funding. 

My team and I have successfully established an entirely new customer engagement function, catering for all Callaghan Innovation’s customers. My extensive knowledge of our teams, products, services, and structure, has been instrumental in navigating the design and implementation of this initiative.

My initial career path, which greatly influenced my personal and professional development, was as a communications and information systems technician in the Royal New Zealand Air Force. Notably, I participated in Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan during 2004, an experience that broadened my perspective on economic development and its impact.

As a problem solver, I thrive on providing support to innovative companies and communities. I find inspiration in ambitious and engaging entrepreneurs and their innovative spirit because their energy and determination contribute massively to New Zealand's innovation ecosystem. Additionally, I have a deep affinity for female entrepreneurs, recognising their remarkable contributions and the unique challenges they face.

  • Double Honours degree, Economics and Strategic Management, University of Waikato, 2008
  • Bachelor of Management Studies, Development Economics and International Development, Strategic Management, University of Waikato, 2011
Memberships and awards
  • Recipient of NZ Operational Service Medal 
  • NZ General Service Medal (Afghanistan) for Military Service
  • NZ Defence Service Medal and Antarctica (US) Service Medal
  • Waikato University Summer Research Scholarship recipient 2010-11
  • New Zealand Government Bonded Scholarship recipient 2008-11
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