Research papers

Our scientists and engineers publish papers in a range of academic journals. This database provides you access to a list of their papers.

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Self-assembling dairy proteins for the production of novel bionanomaterials International Journal of Nanotechnology Google Scholar RTF Ryder K. 2018
Self-assembling dairy proteins for the production of novel bionanomaterials International Journal of Nanotechnology Google Scholar RTF
Ryder K.
Synchrotron studies for corrosion research Corrosion and Prevention 2018 Google Scholar RTF Shaw P. 2018
Synchrotron studies for corrosion research Corrosion and Prevention 2018 Google Scholar RTF
Shaw P.
Corrosion behaviour of powder metallurgical stainless steels Corrosion and Prevention 2018 Google Scholar RTF Dahm K.L. 2018
Corrosion behaviour of powder metallurgical stainless steels Corrosion and Prevention 2018 Google Scholar RTF
Dahm K.L.
Lying and deception The Oxford Handbook of Lying Google Scholar RTF Ortony A. 2018
Lying and deception The Oxford Handbook of Lying Google Scholar RTF
Ortony A.
Resin vesicles in conifer seeds: Morphology and allelopathic effects Canadian Journal of Forest Research Google Scholar RTF Keeling C.I. 2018
Resin vesicles in conifer seeds: Morphology and allelopathic effects Canadian Journal of Forest Research Google Scholar RTF
Keeling C.I.
Mo-mediated corrosion behaviour of 1 Cr - Carbon steel in sweet medium under hydrodynamic control NACE - International Corrosion Conference Series Google Scholar RTF Hassan Sk M. 2018
Mo-mediated corrosion behaviour of 1 Cr - Carbon steel in sweet medium under hydrodynamic control NACE - International Corrosion Conference Series Google Scholar RTF
Hassan Sk M.
Hanle echelle spectrograph: Design and performance Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Google Scholar RTF Sriram S. 2018
Hanle echelle spectrograph: Design and performance Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Google Scholar RTF
Sriram S.
Considerations and consequences of allowing DNA sequence data as types of fungal taxa IMA Fungus Google Scholar RTF Zamora J.C.
Considerations and consequences of allowing DNA sequence data as types of fungal taxa IMA Fungus Google Scholar RTF
Zamora J.C.
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