Research papers

Our scientists and engineers publish papers in a range of academic journals. This database provides you access to a list of their papers.

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The synthesis of possible transition state analogue inhibitors of thymidine phosphorylase Tetrahedron Letters Google Scholar RTF Evans, Gary B., Gainsford, Graeme J., Schramm, Vern L., Tyler, Peter C. 2015
The synthesis of possible transition state analogue inhibitors of thymidine phosphorylase Tetrahedron Letters Google Scholar RTF
Evans, Gary B., Gainsford, Graeme J., Schramm, Vern L., Tyler, Peter C.
Advances in Analytical and Preparative Supercritical Fluid Chromatography. Food and Nutraceutical Applications Food Engineering Series Google Scholar RTF Montañés F. 2015
Advances in Analytical and Preparative Supercritical Fluid Chromatography. Food and Nutraceutical Applications Food Engineering Series Google Scholar RTF
Montañés F.
Crystal packing in three related disaccharides: Precursors to heparan sulfate oligosaccharides Acta Crystallographica Section E: Crystallographic Communications Google Scholar RTF Gainsford G.J. 2015
Crystal packing in three related disaccharides: Precursors to heparan sulfate oligosaccharides Acta Crystallographica Section E: Crystallographic Communications Google Scholar RTF
Gainsford G.J.
Use of design of experiments and manuscripts rejection rate American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology Google Scholar RTF Berenjian A. 2015
Use of design of experiments and manuscripts rejection rate American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology Google Scholar RTF
Berenjian A.
Cementitious grouts for disposal of nuclear wasteforms in deep boreholes 15th International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference 2015, IHLRWM 2015 Google Scholar RTF Collier N. 2015
Cementitious grouts for disposal of nuclear wasteforms in deep boreholes 15th International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference 2015, IHLRWM 2015 Google Scholar RTF
Collier N.
The Boltzmann constant and the new kelvin Metrologia Google Scholar RTF White D.R. 2015
The Boltzmann constant and the new kelvin Metrologia Google Scholar RTF
White D.R.
Characteristics of cementitlous paste for use in deep borehole disposal of spent fuel and high level wasteforms Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Google Scholar RTF Collier N. 2015
Characteristics of cementitlous paste for use in deep borehole disposal of spent fuel and high level wasteforms Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Google Scholar RTF
Collier N.
Soft peristaltic actuation for the harvesting of ovine offal Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Google Scholar RTF Stommel M. 2015
Soft peristaltic actuation for the harvesting of ovine offal Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Google Scholar RTF
Stommel M.
Numerical modeling and uncertainty analysis of light emitting diodes for photometric measurements Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Google Scholar RTF Khan M. 2015
Numerical modeling and uncertainty analysis of light emitting diodes for photometric measurements Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Google Scholar RTF
Khan M.
First stages of siderite crystallisation during CO2 corrosion of steel evaluated using in situ synchrotron small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering Faraday Discussions Google Scholar RTF Ingham B. 2015
First stages of siderite crystallisation during CO<inf>2</inf> corrosion of steel evaluated using in situ synchrotron small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering Faraday Discussions Google Scholar RTF
Ingham B.
Octanoate in human albumin preparations is detrimental to mesenchymal stromal cell culture Stem Cells International Google Scholar RTF Wong W.W. 2015
Octanoate in human albumin preparations is detrimental to mesenchymal stromal cell culture Stem Cells International Google Scholar RTF
Wong W.W.
Limisphaera ngatamarikiensis gen. Nov., sp. nov., a thermophilic, pink-pigmented coccus isolated from subaqueous mud of a geothermal hotspring International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology Google Scholar RTF Anders H. 2015
Limisphaera ngatamarikiensis gen. Nov., sp. nov., a thermophilic, pink-pigmented coccus isolated from subaqueous mud of a geothermal hotspring International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology Google Scholar RTF
Anders H.
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