Research papers

Our scientists and engineers publish papers in a range of academic journals. This database provides you access to a list of their papers.

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Effects of oxygen on scale formation in CO2 corrosion of steel in hot brine: In situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction study of anodic products Journal of the Electrochemical Society Google Scholar RTF Ingham B. 2018
Effects of oxygen on scale formation in CO<inf>2</inf> corrosion of steel in hot brine: In situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction study of anodic products Journal of the Electrochemical Society Google Scholar RTF
Ingham B.
Mechanistic studies of atmospheric pitting corrosion of stainless steel for ILW containers Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology Google Scholar RTF Davenport A.J. 2014
Mechanistic studies of atmospheric pitting corrosion of stainless steel for ILW containers Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology Google Scholar RTF
Davenport A.J.
Surface layer formation in the earliest stages of corrosion of steel in CO2-saturated brine at 80°C: Studied by in situ synchrotron x-ray methods Journal of the Electrochemical Society Google Scholar RTF Ingham B. 2018
Surface layer formation in the earliest stages of corrosion of steel in CO<inf>2</inf>-saturated brine at 80°C: Studied by in situ synchrotron x-ray methods Journal of the Electrochemical Society Google Scholar RTF
Ingham B.
Modelling pitting corrosion of stainless steel in atmospheric exposures to chloride containing environments Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology Google Scholar RTF Krouse D. 2014
Modelling pitting corrosion of stainless steel in atmospheric exposures to chloride containing environments Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology Google Scholar RTF
Krouse D.
Teaching measurement fundamentals 2018 IEEE 59th Annual International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University, RTUCON 2018 - Proceedings Google Scholar RTF Kirkham H. 2018
Teaching measurement fundamentals 2018 IEEE 59th Annual International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University, RTUCON 2018 - Proceedings Google Scholar RTF
Kirkham H.
Self-assembling dairy proteins for the production of novel bionanomaterials International Journal of Nanotechnology Google Scholar RTF Ryder K. 2018
Self-assembling dairy proteins for the production of novel bionanomaterials International Journal of Nanotechnology Google Scholar RTF
Ryder K.
Nanoparticle ζ-potential measurements using tunable resistive pulse sensing with variable pressure Journal of Colloid and Interface Science Google Scholar RTF Eldridge, James A., Willmott, Geoff R., Anderson, Will, Vogel, Robert 2014
Nanoparticle ζ-potential measurements using tunable resistive pulse sensing with variable pressure Journal of Colloid and Interface Science Google Scholar RTF
Eldridge, James A., Willmott, Geoff R., Anderson, Will, Vogel, Robert
Synchrotron studies for corrosion research Corrosion and Prevention 2018 Google Scholar RTF Shaw P. 2018
Synchrotron studies for corrosion research Corrosion and Prevention 2018 Google Scholar RTF
Shaw P.
Performance of hydration reactivated Ca looping sorbents in a pilot-scale, oxy-fired dual fluid bed unit Energy and Fuels Google Scholar RTF Materić V. 2014
Performance of hydration reactivated Ca looping sorbents in a pilot-scale, oxy-fired dual fluid bed unit Energy and Fuels Google Scholar RTF
Materić V.
Corrosion behaviour of powder metallurgical stainless steels Corrosion and Prevention 2018 Google Scholar RTF Dahm K.L. 2018
Corrosion behaviour of powder metallurgical stainless steels Corrosion and Prevention 2018 Google Scholar RTF
Dahm K.L.
Lying and deception The Oxford Handbook of Lying Google Scholar RTF Ortony A. 2018
Lying and deception The Oxford Handbook of Lying Google Scholar RTF
Ortony A.
An apparatus for accurate measurement of the temperature dependence of permanent magnetization Measurement Science and Technology Google Scholar RTF Clarkson M.T. 2014
An apparatus for accurate measurement of the temperature dependence of permanent magnetization Measurement Science and Technology Google Scholar RTF
Clarkson M.T.
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