Research papers

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Ac loss modelling and measurement of superconducting transformers with coated-conductor Roebel-cable in low-voltage winding Superconductor Science and Technology Google Scholar RTF Pardo E. 2015
Ac loss modelling and measurement of superconducting transformers with coated-conductor Roebel-cable in low-voltage winding Superconductor Science and Technology Google Scholar RTF
Pardo E.
X-ray scattering characterisation of nanoparticles Crystallography Reviews Google Scholar RTF Ingham B. 2015
X-ray scattering characterisation of nanoparticles Crystallography Reviews Google Scholar RTF
Ingham B.
Toward Control of Gold Cluster Aggregation on TiO2 via Surface Treatments Journal of Physical Chemistry C Google Scholar RTF Ruzicka J.Y. 2015
Toward Control of Gold Cluster Aggregation on TiO<inf>2</inf> via Surface Treatments Journal of Physical Chemistry C Google Scholar RTF
Ruzicka J.Y.
Antiproliferative activity of New Zealand propolis and phenolic compounds vs human colorectal adenocarcinoma cells Fitoterapia Google Scholar RTF Catchpole, Owen, Mitchell, Kevin, Bloor, Stephen, Davis, Paul, Suddes, Amanda 2015
Antiproliferative activity of New Zealand propolis and phenolic compounds vs human colorectal adenocarcinoma cells Fitoterapia Google Scholar RTF
Catchpole, Owen, Mitchell, Kevin, Bloor, Stephen, Davis, Paul, Suddes, Amanda
Towards implementing the new kelvin Measurement Google Scholar RTF Machin, Graham, Fischer, Joachim, Moldover, Michael, Saunders, John, Trusler, Martin, White, Rod 2015
Towards implementing the new kelvin Measurement Google Scholar RTF
Machin, Graham, Fischer, Joachim, Moldover, Michael, Saunders, John, Trusler, Martin, White, Rod
Effective slip length: Some analytical and numerical results ANZIAM Journal Google Scholar RTF Zhang X.P. 2015
Effective slip length: Some analytical and numerical results ANZIAM Journal Google Scholar RTF
Zhang X.P.
Automatic propagation of uncertainties: Application in self-calibration techniques for vector network analyzers 17th International Congress of Metrology, CIM 2015 Google Scholar RTF Allal D. 2015
Automatic propagation of uncertainties: Application in self-calibration techniques for vector network analyzers 17th International Congress of Metrology, CIM 2015 Google Scholar RTF
Allal D.
Improved electronic measurement of the Boltzmann constant by Johnson noise thermometry Metrologia Google Scholar RTF Qu J. 2015
Improved electronic measurement of the Boltzmann constant by Johnson noise thermometry Metrologia Google Scholar RTF
Qu J.
In situ synchrotron XRD investigation of the dehydration and high temperature carbonation of Ca(OH)2 CrystEngComm Google Scholar RTF Materić V. 2015
In situ synchrotron XRD investigation of the dehydration and high temperature carbonation of Ca(OH)<inf>2</inf> CrystEngComm Google Scholar RTF
Materić V.
A robust sparse approach to acoustic impulse response shaping ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings Google Scholar RTF Krishnan L. 2015
A robust sparse approach to acoustic impulse response shaping ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings Google Scholar RTF
Krishnan L.
Trinicon-BSS system incorporating robust dual beamformers for noise reduction ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings Google Scholar RTF Anderson C.A. 2015
Trinicon-BSS system incorporating robust dual beamformers for noise reduction ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings Google Scholar RTF
Anderson C.A.
Effect of Annealing on Drift in Type S Thermocouples Below 900∘C International Journal of Thermophysics Google Scholar RTF Webster E.S. 2015
Effect of Annealing on Drift in Type S Thermocouples Below 900∘C International Journal of Thermophysics Google Scholar RTF
Webster E.S.
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