Research papers

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The effect of sulfate activation on the early age hydration of BFS:PC composite cement Journal of Nuclear Materials Google Scholar RTF Collier, N.C., Li, X., Bai, Y., Milestone, N.B. 2015
The effect of sulfate activation on the early age hydration of BFS:PC composite cement Journal of Nuclear Materials Google Scholar RTF
Collier, N.C., Li, X., Bai, Y., Milestone, N.B.
Acoustic amplification utilizing stepped-thickness piezoelectric circular cylindrical shells Journal of Sound and Vibration Google Scholar RTF Meshkinzar, Ata, Al-Jumaily, Ahmed M., Harris, Paul D. 2018
Acoustic amplification utilizing stepped-thickness piezoelectric circular cylindrical shells Journal of Sound and Vibration Google Scholar RTF
Meshkinzar, Ata, Al-Jumaily, Ahmed M., Harris, Paul D.
Fuzzy gain scheduled EKF for model-based Skid-Steered Mobile Robot ICARA 2015 - Proceedings of the 2015 6th International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Applications Google Scholar RTF Kadmiry B. 2015
Fuzzy gain scheduled EKF for model-based Skid-Steered Mobile Robot ICARA 2015 - Proceedings of the 2015 6th International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Applications Google Scholar RTF
Kadmiry B.
Chromatic bacteria – A broad host-range plasmid and chromosomal insertion toolbox for fluorescent protein expression in bacteria Frontiers in Microbiology Google Scholar RTF Schlechter R.O. 2018
Chromatic bacteria – A broad host-range plasmid and chromosomal insertion toolbox for fluorescent protein expression in bacteria Frontiers in Microbiology Google Scholar RTF
Schlechter R.O.
Personal sound zones: Delivering interface-free audio to multiple listeners IEEE Signal Processing Magazine Google Scholar RTF Betlehem T. 2015
Personal sound zones: Delivering interface-free audio to multiple listeners IEEE Signal Processing Magazine Google Scholar RTF
Betlehem T.
Cross-coupling control in linear and 2D arrays 2018 OCEANS - MTS/IEEE Kobe Techno-Oceans, OCEANS - Kobe 2018 Google Scholar RTF Stytsenko E. 2018
Cross-coupling control in linear and 2D arrays 2018 OCEANS - MTS/IEEE Kobe Techno-Oceans, OCEANS - Kobe 2018 Google Scholar RTF
Stytsenko E.
Chemical synthesis and gas chromatographic behaviour of γ-stearidonic (18:4n-6) acid JAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society Google Scholar RTF Vyssotski M. 2015
Chemical synthesis and gas chromatographic behaviour of γ-stearidonic (18:4n-6) acid JAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society Google Scholar RTF
Vyssotski M.
Pure and applied measurement: The need for expanded education IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Magazine Google Scholar RTF Kirkham H. 2018
Pure and applied measurement: The need for expanded education IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Magazine Google Scholar RTF
Kirkham H.
Uncertainty propagation through integrated quantities for radiation thermometry Metrologia Google Scholar RTF Saunders P. 2018
Uncertainty propagation through integrated quantities for radiation thermometry Metrologia Google Scholar RTF
Saunders P.
The impact of pH, salt concentration and heat on digestibility and amino acid modification in egg white protein Journal of Food Composition and Analysis Google Scholar RTF Lassé, Moritz, Deb-Choudhury, Santanu, Haines, Stephen, Larsen, Nigel, Gerrard, Juliet A., Dyer, Jolon M. 2015
The impact of pH, salt concentration and heat on digestibility and amino acid modification in egg white protein Journal of Food Composition and Analysis Google Scholar RTF
Lassé, Moritz, Deb-Choudhury, Santanu, Haines, Stephen, Larsen, Nigel, Gerrard, Juliet A., Dyer, Jolon M.
Measurement of Inhomogeneities in MIMS Thermocouples Using a Linear-Gradient Furnace and Dual Heat-Pipe Scanner International Journal of Thermophysics Google Scholar RTF Webster E.S. 2015
Measurement of Inhomogeneities in MIMS Thermocouples Using a Linear-Gradient Furnace and Dual Heat-Pipe Scanner International Journal of Thermophysics Google Scholar RTF
Webster E.S.
Storage stability and simulated gastrointestinal release of spray dried grape marc phenolics Food and Bioproducts Processing Google Scholar RTF Moreno, T., Cocero, M.J., Rodríguez-Rojo, S. 2018
Storage stability and simulated gastrointestinal release of spray dried grape marc phenolics Food and Bioproducts Processing Google Scholar RTF
Moreno, T., Cocero, M.J., Rodríguez-Rojo, S.
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