Research papers

Our scientists and engineers publish papers in a range of academic journals. This database provides you access to a list of their papers.

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Ecophysiological diversity of a novel member of the genus Alteromonas, and description of Alteromonas mediterranea sp. nov. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology Google Scholar RTF Ivanova E. 2015
Ecophysiological diversity of a novel member of the genus Alteromonas, and description of Alteromonas mediterranea sp. nov. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology Google Scholar RTF
Ivanova E.
Reduced thermal conductivity of Si/Ge random layer nanowires: A comparative study against superlattice counterparts Journal of Applied Physics Google Scholar RTF Samaraweera N. 2018
Reduced thermal conductivity of Si/Ge random layer nanowires: A comparative study against superlattice counterparts Journal of Applied Physics Google Scholar RTF
Samaraweera N.
A combined SNIFTIRS and XANES study of electrically polarized copper electrodes in DMSO and DMF solutions of cyanate (NCO-), thiocyanate (NCS-) and selenocyanate (NCSe-) ions Journal of the Electrochemical Society Google Scholar RTF Alwis L.K.H.K. 2015
A combined SNIFTIRS and XANES study of electrically polarized copper electrodes in DMSO and DMF solutions of cyanate (NCO<sup>-</sup>), thiocyanate (NCS<sup>-</sup>) and selenocyanate (NCSe<sup>-</sup>) ions Journal of the Electrochemical Society Google Scholar RTF
Alwis L.K.H.K.
Both Chemical and Non-Chemical Steps Limit the Catalytic Efficiency of Family 4 Glycoside Hydrolases Biochemistry Google Scholar RTF Sannikova N. 2018
Both Chemical and Non-Chemical Steps Limit the Catalytic Efficiency of Family 4 Glycoside Hydrolases Biochemistry Google Scholar RTF
Sannikova N.
Investigation of antenna array configurations using far-field holographic microwave imaging technique Progress In Electromagnetics Research M Google Scholar RTF Wang L. 2015
Investigation of antenna array configurations using far-field holographic microwave imaging technique Progress In Electromagnetics Research M Google Scholar RTF
Wang L.
Effect of quantum fluctuations on the critical supercurrent through a mesoscopic normal-metal island Physical Review B Google Scholar RTF Bubanja V. 2018
Effect of quantum fluctuations on the critical supercurrent through a mesoscopic normal-metal island Physical Review B Google Scholar RTF
Bubanja V.
Novel long-chain diol phospholipids from some bacteria belonging to the class Thermomicrobia Lipids Google Scholar RTF Lagutin K. 2015
Novel long-chain diol phospholipids from some bacteria belonging to the class Thermomicrobia Lipids Google Scholar RTF
Lagutin K.
Transport AC Loss Measurements in Bifilar Stacks Composed of YBCO-Coated Conductors IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity Google Scholar RTF Song W. 2018
Transport AC Loss Measurements in Bifilar Stacks Composed of YBCO-Coated Conductors IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity Google Scholar RTF
Song W.
Proteins as supramolecular building blocks: Nterm-Lsr2 as a new protein tecton Biopolymers Google Scholar RTF Ashmead H. 2015
Proteins as supramolecular building blocks: Nterm-Lsr2 as a new protein tecton Biopolymers Google Scholar RTF
Ashmead H.
Modal analysis of the thermal conductivity of nanowires: Examining unique thermal transport features Journal of Physics Condensed Matter Google Scholar RTF Samaraweera N. 2018
Modal analysis of the thermal conductivity of nanowires: Examining unique thermal transport features Journal of Physics Condensed Matter Google Scholar RTF
Samaraweera N.
A Knowledge Management System to Support Design for Additive Manufacturing Using Bayesian Networks Journal of Mechanical Design Google Scholar RTF Wang Y. 2018
A Knowledge Management System to Support Design for Additive Manufacturing Using Bayesian Networks Journal of Mechanical Design Google Scholar RTF
Wang Y.
International comparison on Ag|AgCl electrodes for pH measurement Measurement Google Scholar RTF Brewer, P.J., Panagoulia, D., Brown, R.J.C., Tromans, A., Reyes, A., Arce, M., Vospelova, A., Roziková, M., Pratt, K.W., Asakai, T., Jakobsen, P.T., Camões, M.F., Oliveira, C.S., Godinho, I., Spitzer, P., Sander, B., Máriássy, M., Vyskočil, L., Fisicaro, P., Stoica, D., Uysal, E. 2015
International comparison on Ag|AgCl electrodes for pH measurement Measurement Google Scholar RTF
Brewer, P.J., Panagoulia, D., Brown, R.J.C., Tromans, A., Reyes, A., Arce, M., Vospelova, A., Roziková, M., Pratt, K.W., Asakai, T., Jakobsen, P.T., Camões, M.F., Oliveira, C.S., Godinho, I., Spitzer, P., Sander, B., Máriássy, M., Vyskočil, L., Fisicaro, P., Stoica, D., Uysal, E.
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