Research papers

Our scientists and engineers publish papers in a range of academic journals. This database provides you access to a list of their papers.

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Calibration of standard radiation thermometers using two fixed points Metrologia Google Scholar RTF Manoi A. 2020
Calibration of standard radiation thermometers using two fixed points Metrologia Google Scholar RTF
Manoi A.
In situ temperature calibration for critical applications near ambient Measurement Science and Technology Google Scholar RTF Webster E. 2020
In situ temperature calibration for critical applications near ambient Measurement Science and Technology Google Scholar RTF
Webster E.
Characterizing Drift Behavior in Type S Thermocouples to Predict In-use Temperature Errors International Journal of Thermophysics Google Scholar RTF Webster E. 2020
Characterizing Drift Behavior in Type S Thermocouples to Predict In-use Temperature Errors International Journal of Thermophysics Google Scholar RTF
Webster E.
Modelling the Edge Crushing Performance of Corrugated Fibreboard Under Different Moisture Content Levels Mechanisms and Machine Science Google Scholar RTF Jamsari A. 2020
Modelling the Edge Crushing Performance of Corrugated Fibreboard Under Different Moisture Content Levels Mechanisms and Machine Science Google Scholar RTF
Jamsari A.
Systems immunology reveals a linked IgG3–C4 response in patients with acute rheumatic fever Immunology and Cell Biology Google Scholar RTF Chung A.W. 2020
Systems immunology reveals a linked IgG3–C4 response in patients with acute rheumatic fever Immunology and Cell Biology Google Scholar RTF
Chung A.W.
On the catalytic mechanism of bacteriophage endolysins: Opportunities for engineering Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics Google Scholar RTF Love, Michael J., Abeysekera, Gayan S., Muscroft-Taylor, Andrew C., Billington, Craig, Dobson, Renwick C.J. 2020
On the catalytic mechanism of bacteriophage endolysins: Opportunities for engineering Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics Google Scholar RTF
Love, Michael J., Abeysekera, Gayan S., Muscroft-Taylor, Andrew C., Billington, Craig, Dobson, Renwick C.J.
Advanced analytical tools for bovine lactoferrin identification and quantification in raw skim milk to finished lactoferrin powders International Dairy Journal Google Scholar RTF Billakanti, Jagan, McRae, James, Mayr, Max, Johnson, Keryn 2019
Advanced analytical tools for bovine lactoferrin identification and quantification in raw skim milk to finished lactoferrin powders International Dairy Journal Google Scholar RTF
Billakanti, Jagan, McRae, James, Mayr, Max, Johnson, Keryn
Effect of blending conditions on nano-clay bitumen nanocomposite properties Road Materials and Pavement Design Google Scholar RTF Bagshaw S. 2019
Effect of blending conditions on nano-clay bitumen nanocomposite properties Road Materials and Pavement Design Google Scholar RTF
Bagshaw S.
Experimental and numerical performance of corrugated fibreboard at different orientations under four-point bending test Packaging Technology and Science Google Scholar RTF Jamsari M.A. 2019
Experimental and numerical performance of corrugated fibreboard at different orientations under four-point bending test Packaging Technology and Science Google Scholar RTF
Jamsari M.A.
Mismatched filtering of doppler tolerant codes for multi-code sonar systems OCEANS 2019 MTS/IEEE Seattle, OCEANS 2019 Google Scholar RTF Rashed M.S. 2019
Mismatched filtering of doppler tolerant codes for multi-code sonar systems OCEANS 2019 MTS/IEEE Seattle, OCEANS 2019 Google Scholar RTF
Rashed M.S.
Frequency invariant beamformers for underwater sound OCEANS 2019 MTS/IEEE Seattle, OCEANS 2019 Google Scholar RTF Stytsenko E. 2019
Frequency invariant beamformers for underwater sound OCEANS 2019 MTS/IEEE Seattle, OCEANS 2019 Google Scholar RTF
Stytsenko E.
Highly Anisotropic Piezoceramics IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IUS Google Scholar RTF Staines M. 2019
Highly Anisotropic Piezoceramics IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IUS Google Scholar RTF
Staines M.
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