Research papers

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Modelling the impact of crushing on the strength performance of corrugated fibreboard Packaging Technology and Science Google Scholar RTF Jamsari M.A. 2020
Modelling the impact of crushing on the strength performance of corrugated fibreboard Packaging Technology and Science Google Scholar RTF
Jamsari M.A.
The effects of cubic stiffness nonlinearity on the attenuation bandwidth of 1d elasto-dynamic metamaterials ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE) Google Scholar RTF Banerjee A. 2016
The effects of cubic stiffness nonlinearity on the attenuation bandwidth of 1d elasto-dynamic metamaterials ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE) Google Scholar RTF
Banerjee A.
Operation Planning and Closed-Loop Control of a Soft Robotic Table for Simultaneous Multiple-Object Manipulation IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering Google Scholar RTF Deng Z. 2020
Operation Planning and Closed-Loop Control of a Soft Robotic Table for Simultaneous Multiple-Object Manipulation IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering Google Scholar RTF
Deng Z.
Tailoring cellular auxetics for wearable applications with multimaterial 3D printing ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE) Google Scholar RTF Saxena K. 2016
Tailoring cellular auxetics for wearable applications with multimaterial 3D printing ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE) Google Scholar RTF
Saxena K.
Final report on APMP.T-K7 Key comparison of water triple point cells Metrologia Google Scholar RTF Tsai S.F. 2016
Final report on APMP.T-K7 Key comparison of water triple point cells Metrologia Google Scholar RTF
Tsai S.F.
APMP Supplementary comparison clenbuterol in porcine meat August 2015 Metrologia Google Scholar RTF Samuel L. 2016
APMP Supplementary comparison clenbuterol in porcine meat August 2015 Metrologia Google Scholar RTF
Samuel L.
Structure-function analyses of alkylhydroperoxidase D from Streptococcus pneumoniae reveal an unusual three-cysteine active site architecture Journal of Biological Chemistry Google Scholar RTF Meng, Yanxiang, Sheen, Campbell R., Magon, Nicholas J., Hampton, Mark B., Dobson, Renwick C.J. 2020
Structure-function analyses of alkylhydroperoxidase D from Streptococcus pneumoniae reveal an unusual three-cysteine active site architecture Journal of Biological Chemistry Google Scholar RTF
Meng, Yanxiang, Sheen, Campbell R., Magon, Nicholas J., Hampton, Mark B., Dobson, Renwick C.J.
Electro-optic tunable Bragg gratings in chromophore doped polymer waveguides Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Google Scholar RTF Bogunovic D. 2016
Electro-optic tunable Bragg gratings in chromophore doped polymer waveguides Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Google Scholar RTF
Bogunovic D.
Hexa ↔ tetra silicene crystal–crystal phase transition Philosophical Magazine Google Scholar RTF Hoang V.V. 2020
Hexa ↔ tetra silicene crystal–crystal phase transition Philosophical Magazine Google Scholar RTF
Hoang V.V.
Design, synthesis, and characterization of photoinitiators for two-photon polymerization Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Google Scholar RTF Whitby R. 2016
Design, synthesis, and characterization of photoinitiators for two-photon polymerization Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Google Scholar RTF
Whitby R.
Performance of the matched filter in sonar systems having time variable gain IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation Google Scholar RTF Rashed M.S. 2020
Performance of the matched filter in sonar systems having time variable gain IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation Google Scholar RTF
Rashed M.S.
Development and construction of MAROON-X Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Google Scholar RTF Seifahrt A. 2016
Development and construction of MAROON-X Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Google Scholar RTF
Seifahrt A.
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