Research papers

Our scientists and engineers publish papers in a range of academic journals. This database provides you access to a list of their papers.

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Unleashing Empirical Equations with “Nonlinear Fitting” and “GUM Tree Calculator” International Journal of Thermophysics Google Scholar RTF Lovell-Smith J.W. 2017
Unleashing Empirical Equations with “Nonlinear Fitting” and “GUM Tree Calculator” International Journal of Thermophysics Google Scholar RTF
Lovell-Smith J.W.
Lessons learned from the development of cementitious grouts for deep borehole disposal applications Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering Google Scholar RTF Collier N.C. 2017
Lessons learned from the development of cementitious grouts for deep borehole disposal applications Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering Google Scholar RTF
Collier N.C.
Effects of Void Array Orientation on Compressive Properties of Cellular Structures Advanced Engineering Materials Google Scholar RTF Dahm K.L. 2017
Effects of Void Array Orientation on Compressive Properties of Cellular Structures Advanced Engineering Materials Google Scholar RTF
Dahm K.L.
Clinical outcomes of patient-specific porous titanium endoprostheses in dogs with tumors of the mandible, radius, or tibia: 12 cases (2013–2016) Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association Google Scholar RTF Bray J. 2017
Clinical outcomes of patient-specific porous titanium endoprostheses in dogs with tumors of the mandible, radius, or tibia: 12 cases (2013–2016) Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association Google Scholar RTF
Bray J.
Seebeck Changes Due to Residual Cold-Work and Reversible Effects in Type K Bare-Wire Thermocouples International Journal of Thermophysics Google Scholar RTF Webster E.S. 2017
Seebeck Changes Due to Residual Cold-Work and Reversible Effects in Type K Bare-Wire Thermocouples International Journal of Thermophysics Google Scholar RTF
Webster E.S.
Local supersaturation and the growth of protective scales during CO2 corrosion of steel: Effect of pH and solution flow Corrosion Science Google Scholar RTF Sk, Mobbassar Hassan, Abdullah, Aboubakr M., Ko, Monika, Ingham, Bridget, Laycock, Nick, Arul, Rakesh, Williams, David. E. 2017
Local supersaturation and the growth of protective scales during CO<inf>2</inf> corrosion of steel: Effect of pH and solution flow Corrosion Science Google Scholar RTF
Sk, Mobbassar Hassan, Abdullah, Aboubakr M., Ko, Monika, Ingham, Bridget, Laycock, Nick, Arul, Rakesh, Williams, David. E.
Frequency graded 1D metamaterials: A study on the attenuation bands Journal of Applied Physics Google Scholar RTF Banerjee A. 2017
Frequency graded 1D metamaterials: A study on the attenuation bands Journal of Applied Physics Google Scholar RTF
Banerjee A.
An improved electronic determination of the Boltzmann constant by Johnson noise thermometry Metrologia Google Scholar RTF Qu J. 2017
An improved electronic determination of the Boltzmann constant by Johnson noise thermometry Metrologia Google Scholar RTF
Qu J.
Defining relative humidity in terms of water activity. Part 1: Definition Metrologia Google Scholar RTF Feistel R. 2017
Defining relative humidity in terms of water activity. Part 1: Definition Metrologia Google Scholar RTF
Feistel R.
Lateral Flow Aptasensor for Small Molecule Targets Exploiting Adsorption and Desorption Interactions on Gold Nanoparticles Analytical Chemistry Google Scholar RTF Alsager O. 2017
Lateral Flow Aptasensor for Small Molecule Targets Exploiting Adsorption and Desorption Interactions on Gold Nanoparticles Analytical Chemistry Google Scholar RTF
Alsager O.
Photoinduced properties of Bis-azo chromophore host guest systems-birefringence and all optical tuneable polymer waveguide Bragg gratings Journal of Applied Physics Google Scholar RTF Janssens S. 2017
Photoinduced properties of Bis-azo chromophore host guest systems-birefringence and all optical tuneable polymer waveguide Bragg gratings Journal of Applied Physics Google Scholar RTF
Janssens S.
Phospholipids of New Zealand Edible Brown Algae Lipids Google Scholar RTF Vyssotski M. 2017
Phospholipids of New Zealand Edible Brown Algae Lipids Google Scholar RTF
Vyssotski M.
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