Research papers

Our scientists and engineers publish papers in a range of academic journals. This database provides you access to a list of their papers.

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Isolation of Non-methylene Interrupted or Acetylenic Fatty Acids from Seed Oils Using Semi-preparative Supercritical Chromatography JAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society Google Scholar RTF Montañés F. 2017
Isolation of Non-methylene Interrupted or Acetylenic Fatty Acids from Seed Oils Using Semi-preparative Supercritical Chromatography JAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society Google Scholar RTF
Montañés F.
Size-of-source Effect in Infrared Thermometers with Direct Reading of Temperature International Journal of Thermophysics Google Scholar RTF Manoi A. 2017
Size-of-source Effect in Infrared Thermometers with Direct Reading of Temperature International Journal of Thermophysics Google Scholar RTF
Manoi A.
Effect of calcium on the aggregation behaviour of caseinates Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects Google Scholar RTF Smialowska, A., Matia-Merino, L., Ingham, B., Carr, A.J. 2017
Effect of calcium on the aggregation behaviour of caseinates Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects Google Scholar RTF
Smialowska, A., Matia-Merino, L., Ingham, B., Carr, A.J.
Highly mutable tandem DNA repeats generate a cell wall protein variant more frequent in disease-causing Candida albicans isolates than in commensal isolates PLoS ONE Google Scholar RTF Zhou Z. 2017
Highly mutable tandem DNA repeats generate a cell wall protein variant more frequent in disease-causing Candida albicans isolates than in commensal isolates PLoS ONE Google Scholar RTF
Zhou Z.
Amyloid fibrils from hemoglobin Biomolecules Google Scholar RTF Jayawardena N. 2017
Amyloid fibrils from hemoglobin Biomolecules Google Scholar RTF
Jayawardena N.
Test Results and Conclusions from a 1 MVA Superconducting Transformer Featuring 2G HTS Roebel Cable IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity Google Scholar RTF Glasson N. 2017
Test Results and Conclusions from a 1 MVA Superconducting Transformer Featuring 2G HTS Roebel Cable IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity Google Scholar RTF
Glasson N.
Using connectionist models to capture the distinctive psychological structure of impression formation Computational Social Psychology Google Scholar RTF Monroe B.M. 2017
Using connectionist models to capture the distinctive psychological structure of impression formation Computational Social Psychology Google Scholar RTF
Monroe B.M.
Training wheelchair navigation in immersive virtual environments for patients with spinal cord injury–end-user input to design an effective system Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology Google Scholar RTF Nunnerley J. 2017
Training wheelchair navigation in immersive virtual environments for patients with spinal cord injury–end-user input to design an effective system Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology Google Scholar RTF
Nunnerley J.
Drift in Type K Bare-Wire Thermocouples from Different Manufacturers International Journal of Thermophysics Google Scholar RTF Webster E.S. 2017
Drift in Type K Bare-Wire Thermocouples from Different Manufacturers International Journal of Thermophysics Google Scholar RTF
Webster E.S.
The potential use of dairy by-products for the production of nonfood biomaterials Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology Google Scholar RTF Ryder K. 2017
The potential use of dairy by-products for the production of nonfood biomaterials Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology Google Scholar RTF
Ryder K.
Spurious electro-optic coefficients inferred from modulation ellipsometry measurements in the presence of an air cavity Optics Communications Google Scholar RTF Quilty, J.W. 2017
Spurious electro-optic coefficients inferred from modulation ellipsometry measurements in the presence of an air cavity Optics Communications Google Scholar RTF
Quilty, J.W.
Controlling chain flexibility in collagen networks to produce hydrogels with distinct properties Soft Materials Google Scholar RTF Lian J. 2017
Controlling chain flexibility in collagen networks to produce hydrogels with distinct properties Soft Materials Google Scholar RTF
Lian J.
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