Research papers

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Versatile multi-functionalization of protein nanofibrils for biosensor applications Nanoscale Google Scholar RTF Sasso L. 2014
Versatile multi-functionalization of protein nanofibrils for biosensor applications Nanoscale Google Scholar RTF
Sasso L.
Actuation of Tunable Elastomeric Pores: Resistance Measurements and Finite Element Modelling Experimental Mechanics Google Scholar RTF Willmott G.R. 2014
Actuation of Tunable Elastomeric Pores: Resistance Measurements and Finite Element Modelling Experimental Mechanics Google Scholar RTF
Willmott G.R.
Statistical measures of spottiness in diffraction rings Journal of Applied Crystallography Google Scholar RTF Ingham B. 2014
Statistical measures of spottiness in diffraction rings Journal of Applied Crystallography Google Scholar RTF
Ingham B.
Photodegradation of luminescence in organic-ligand-capped Eu+3:LaF3nano-particles Journal of Applied Physics Google Scholar RTF King G.G.G. 2014
Photodegradation of luminescence in organic-ligand-capped Eu<sup>+3</sup>:LaF<inf>3</inf>nano-particles Journal of Applied Physics Google Scholar RTF
King G.G.G.
Enhancement of exchange bias and training effect in ion-beam sputtered Fe46Mn54/Ni81Fe19bilayers Journal of Applied Physics Google Scholar RTF Fulara H. 2014
Enhancement of exchange bias and training effect in ion-beam sputtered Fe<inf>46</inf>Mn<inf>54</inf>/Ni<inf>81</inf>Fe<inf>19</inf>bilayers Journal of Applied Physics Google Scholar RTF
Fulara H.
Large co-axial pulse tube preliminary results AIP Conference Proceedings Google Scholar RTF Emery N. 2014
Large co-axial pulse tube preliminary results AIP Conference Proceedings Google Scholar RTF
Emery N.
Reductive amination methodology for synthesis of primary amines from unprotected synthons Carbohydrate Chemistry: Proven Synthetic Methods Google Scholar RTF Dangerfield E. 2014
Reductive amination methodology for synthesis of primary amines from unprotected synthons Carbohydrate Chemistry: Proven Synthetic Methods Google Scholar RTF
Dangerfield E.
The synthesis of carbamates from alkenylamines Carbohydrate Chemistry: Proven Synthetic Methods Google Scholar RTF Dangerfield E. 2014
The synthesis of carbamates from alkenylamines Carbohydrate Chemistry: Proven Synthetic Methods Google Scholar RTF
Dangerfield E.
30 kW metal diaphragm pressure wave generator AIP Conference Proceedings Google Scholar RTF Caughley A. 2014
30 kW metal diaphragm pressure wave generator AIP Conference Proceedings Google Scholar RTF
Caughley A.
Vision system for the automation of ovine carcass processing Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation, ACRA Google Scholar RTF Cheng D. 2014
Vision system for the automation of ovine carcass processing Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation, ACRA Google Scholar RTF
Cheng D.
Characterization of current stability in an HTS NMR system energized by an HTS flux pump IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity Google Scholar RTF Walsh R.M. 2014
Characterization of current stability in an HTS NMR system energized by an HTS flux pump IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity Google Scholar RTF
Walsh R.M.
Stability, inter-strand contact resistance, and AC losses in YBCO Roebel cables IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity Google Scholar RTF Majoros M. 2014
Stability, inter-strand contact resistance, and AC losses in YBCO Roebel cables IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity Google Scholar RTF
Majoros M.
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