Research papers
Our scientists and engineers publish papers in a range of academic journals. This database provides you access to a list of their papers.
Our deep business and scientific expertise, allied with our experience working with innovators, founders and entrepreneurs, means we're able to offer the comprehensive support you need for innovation and R&D.
Our deep business and scientific expertise, allied with our experience working with innovators, founders and entrepreneurs, means we're able to offer the comprehensive support you need for innovation and R&D.
We have extensive connections across our country's innovation network and can help you find the right collaborators and resources to advance your ideas.
We empower you for growth and long-term success by funding specific innovation and R&D initiatives, including talent recruitment and product development.
We put world-class problem-solving expertise and R&D facilities at your disposal, helping you overcome technical challenges and take your innovations to the next level.
We help identify the innovation, R&D and commercialisation skills you need to amplify and elevate your ideas. Then, we train and upskill your team to put them into practice.
We'll support your business growth by helping you spot opportunities to innovate and increase productivity, set goals and get the training you need for success.
Weāre always testing new tools, products and services. Trial our pilot projects to help uncover the benefits they may offer you and other Aotearoa New Zealand innovators.
Learn more about Callaghan Innovationās vision, values, history and mission to foster bold, innovative entrepreneurs and world-bettering companies.
Weāre proud to support or facilitate a host of diverse events for innovators and entrepreneurs across the country. Find your next unmissable one here.
Keep up to date on the latest from us, Aotearoa New Zealandās innovation whanau and the rest of the world.
Our scientists and engineers publish papers in a range of academic journals. This database provides you access to a list of their papers.