Research papers

Our scientists and engineers publish papers in a range of academic journals. This database provides you access to a list of their papers.

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Optical Modulation of the Diffraction Efficiency in an Indoline Azobenzene/Amorphous Polycarbonate Film Nanoscale Research Letters Google Scholar RTF Williams G.V.M. 2016
Optical Modulation of the Diffraction Efficiency in an Indoline Azobenzene/Amorphous Polycarbonate Film Nanoscale Research Letters Google Scholar RTF
Williams G.V.M.
Optically switchable diffraction grating in a photochromic/polymer thin film Applied Optics Google Scholar RTF Williams G.V.M. 2015
Optically switchable diffraction grating in a photochromic/polymer thin film Applied Optics Google Scholar RTF
Williams G.V.M.
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