Project Grants

R&D Loan Scheme - Document for recipients


After Year 1, you will be required to submit your annual accounts and answer some general R&D questions.


R&D Loans are interest free if the loan is repaid in full within 12 months of the loan drawdown. Following this, interest will be charged in line with your contract.


You can start making repayments anytime, however regular repayments will be required from the start of year 4 of your loan. Closer to that date we will send you details of what your repayments are expected to be for the balance of the loan period. If you would like to start making earlier repayments let us know and we will provide you with the details.

If only a partial repayment is made, interest will be charged on the full balance until that repayment, and on the reduced amount from then.


If you have any questions about your R&D Loan, please email us at

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