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Basis NZ: bringing electrical smart panels home

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What's in this article

    Introducing Basis NZ

    We’re all using more electricity than ever before. But, the household switchboard isn’t designed for our modern demands. Nor does it offer the control or insights expected of modern household electrical goods. 

    Basis has developed the world's first residential smart panel – designed to replace the old-school switchboard. It enables homeowners to reduce their electricity costs, make their homes dramatically safer and lower barriers to adopting important electrification technologies, such as EV, battery and solar. 

    Who are Basis NZ

    Basis was borne more out of pure frustration than inspiration. It all began at a casual BBQ, where co-founders Danny Purcell and Julyan Collett met and discovered their shared frustration at the energy sector and desire to change it for the benefit of both people and the planet. Within months, they quit their jobs and set out to build the world’s first true smart panel. 

    Since the business was formally founded in 2020, the team has grown to 9083 full-time staff split between Auckland & Christchurch. Their first-generation smart panel, and accompanying app, has achieved IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) compliance and the team are gearing up for production and soft-launch. Their ultimate goal is to get their panels into every household across the globe.

    Benefits to the innovation ecosystem

    Basis’ technology has the potential to disrupt the energy and electricity ecosystem, and create numerous opportunities for other businesses, particularly around electricity usage data and insights. But rather than fragment the sector, key players in the field see the opportunity for a more aligned and collaborative industry. 

    The team are planning on building a testing facility in Aotearoa, which they intend on opening to other customers, as well as new cloud-based platforms to benefit a wide range of groups via API 

    Basis’ technology has not only captured the attention of many other NZ ventures, but also attracted impressive overseas talent to join the company. 

    What the panel had to say about Basis NZ:

    Basis are in a strong position to have a significant impact on the electricity and energy market, both here and overseas.

    They delivered an outstanding, simplified application and demonstrated a high level of diversity in their evidence, drawing from various credible sources. It's clear they have substantial market traction and have attracted the interested of many key players in their industry.

    We're looking forward to seeing the many other innovations and businesses that will follow in their footsteps.

    How Basis NZ will be investing their grant

    The award of the Ārohia Trailblazer grant comes at an ideal time for Basis as they enter what’s normally a tricky phase for all hardware startups. In their case, it’s additionally complex due to strict electrical safety regulations. The funding means they will be able to improve the overall quality of the panel and increase the speed of delivery. 

    Outside of the manufacture of their panel, the funding will also help establish key sales and commercial functions and further refinement of marketing collateral. 

    "The Ārohia Trailblazer grant will help Basis bring our world-first Smart Electrical Panel to homes across New Zealand and the world. This support enables us to empower homeowners with better energy management, enhance safety, and lower barriers to adopting clean technologies like EVs and solar. Being recognised as a Trailblazer underscores our commitment to innovation and driving positive change in the energy ecosystem."

    Alex Cappy, Basis NZ, CEO 


    Picture of Basis' Smart Panel fixed to a white wall

    Basis' Smart Panel

    Basis NZ

    Founded:  2020

    Sector/industry: Cleantech

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