Understand the impact of distance | Peter Montgomery, Clever First Aid
Understand the impact of distance | Peter Montgomery, Clever First Aid
Understand the impact of distance | Peter Montgomery, Clever First Aid

[Peter Montgomery]

And logistics and distribution of your product, especially as we scale internationally, is super important. So, how you partner with people, how you form those relationships, how you think about you're going to get your product into the market, is really critical. Disadvantages, logistics distribution, you're too far away from your markets, too far from your customers, time and cost to get into these different markets. Snd the fact that you may not have the skills and ability to understand the markets you're going into and you're underestimating how long it will take, and how much, you know, costs will be associated with it. But in many cases I don't see enough thinking of that distribution occurring, but it is critical going onward.

Use customisation requests to help you grow | Bridgit Hawkins, Regen
Use customisation requests to help you grow | Bridgit Hawkins, Regen
Use customisation requests to help you grow | Bridgit Hawkins, Regen

[Bridgit Hawkins]

Our main product was a service we delivered essentially to individual farmers to use, but we had the opportunity to develop something that had a similar base, but for one large customer. And so that in a SaSS business, one of the key things you do is you don't customise, if you're going to be pure about it. However, if you haven't got enough customers for your non-customised solution, you might say 'oh I've got a- I've got a customisable opportunity here', which actually, you know, keeps us going. It definitely assisted us, you know, it got us through a you know a short-term cashflow issue so, then we didn't have to go back to shareholders for more funding. It enabled us to build another feature onto our product set that we wouldn't have been able to do otherwise, which we could build on later. And it gave us a profile in an area that we didn't have before. So, all of those things added up to say you know it was a worthwhile effort.

Questions, answers and resources

If you’re manufacturing offshore, do you know the likely establishment time and cost?

What is this?

Your timeline for getting manufacturing up and running may be different to what you would expect in New Zealand. This could impact your launch plans.


  • You miss key milestones in your product rollout 
  • You incur unexpected costs 
  • You need to revise your pricing structure

Resources linked

If you’re manufacturing offshore, do you understand the ongoing Quality Assurance costs?

What is this?

Maintaining the manufacturing quality of you product over time may not be a one-off cost. You want to be clear what the ongoing costs are, if any, and whether they are subject to increases over time.


  • Your product quality declines because you're not prepared to pay ongoing costs 
  • You compromise your relationship with your manufacturers 
  • You aren't aware of costs that you should have been paying and are hit with an unexpected bill
Do you understand your supply chain, WIP, buffer stock, and customer response times and costs?

What is this?

Once your product has launched, you will want to maintain its availability for customers. This needs to be carefully managed to balance factors such as cashflow and manufacturing costs.


  • You are unable to fulfill orders and so lose sales 
  • Your customers get frustrated with long lead times 
  • You are left with excess stock that doesn't sell

Resources linked

If you keep manufacturing onshore, do you know the establishment costs and the ongoing fixed costs?

What is this?

Setting up for your initial production is a significant cost. You want clarity on what it will be, where it could run over, and what the ongoing costs look like.


  • Your establishment costs are higher than expected 
  • You are hit by unexpected bills for ongoing costs 
  • Disputes over costs slow down or halt manufacturing
Are your products smart and able to provide you with real time data?

What is this?

Data can provide opportunities to refine your product and improve your customer experience. The more quality data you gather, the more useful it can be.


  • You miss opportunities to improve your product 
  • Your product doesn't operate as part of an ecosystem 
  • You miss opportunities to build value-add services around the product

Resources linked

Do you have an Industry 4.0 strategy?

What is this?

Industry 4.0 incorporates data capture and AI to improve manufacturing and logistics. With smart data you can do things like optimise manufacturing processes, manage stock levels and predict demand.


  • Your manufacturing process is inefficient 
  • Your stock levels don't match demand 
  • You have too much stock in the warehouse or in transit

Resource(s) linked

(Reference) Industry 4.0 Hub | Provided by Callaghan Innovation

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